SICS manual for the SANS I instrument

Dr. Joachim Kohlbrecher

Dr. Mark Könnecke

Table of Contents
Quick reference Guide
Instrument control programs
The token command
Executing a macro
Logging executed commands
Driving a motor
Motor handling
Special commands (e.g. st, dt ...)
Sample environment devices
Beam shutter
Neutron Velocity Selector
Positioning an attenuator
Changing collimation
Positioning the detector
Positioning the beam stop
Sample table
Sample holder for electro magnet
Haake temperature controller
Bruker electro magnet
Eurotherm controller
ITC-4 and ITC-503 temperature controllers
Analogue and digital input and output
Counter handling
Histogram Memory
Data acquisition
XY table
How to start
Log in on the SANS computer
Start the SINQ instrument control software SICS
Command control line client
SANS status display
Variable watcher varwatch
Instrument preparation before the first measurement
Instrument control commands
Some basic SICS commands and concepts
The token command
How to execute Macros
Logging the executed commands
Some variables for documentation
Drive commands
SICS motor handling
Special SANS commands
Sample Environment Devices
General Commands UnderStood by All Sample Environment Devices
TCL command language interface
set - Read and Write variables
expr - Evaluate an expression
if - Execute scripts conditionally
for - "For" loop
while - Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
Instrument settings
Beam shutter
Neutron velocity selector
Positioning an attenuator
Change the collimation
Positioning the detector
Positioning the beam stop
Sample environments
Sample table
Haake temperature controller
Bruker electromagnet
Sample holder for electro magnet
Eurotherm temperature controller
ITC-4 and ITC-503 temperature controller
Data handling and acquisition
File naming conventions and storing data
Data acquisition
XY table
Status of the actual acquisition process
Other programs
BerSANS software package
sasfit program

