Motor handling

<motor> list

lists all motor parameters.

<motor> reset

resets motor parameters to default values.

<motor> position

prints actual position.

<motor> interest

prints position changes.

<motor> hardlowerlim

prints hardware lower limit.

<motor> hardupperlim

prints hardware upper limit

<motor> softlowerlim [<val>]

prints/sets software lower limit.

<motor> softupperlim [<val>]

prints/sets software upper limit.

<motor> softzero [<val>]

prints/sets software zero.

<motor> fixed [<val>]

fixes motor for <val> ≥ 0 or releases it for <val> < 0.

<motor> interruptmode [<val>]

defines interrupt issued if motor movement fails.

<motor> precision [<val>]

denotes the positioning precision.

<motor> accesscode [<val>]

specify user privileges of <motor>.

<motor> speed


<motor> sign [<val>]

reverses operation sense.