Histogram Memory

banana configure HistMode <val>

sets the mode of operation (Transparent, Normal, TOF, Stroposcopic).

banana configure OverFlowMode <val>

determines how bin overflow is handled (Ignore, Ceil, Count).

banana configure Rank <val>

defines number of histograms in memory.

banana configure Length <val>

gives length of individual histogram.

banana configure BinWidth <val>

determines size of single bin in histogram memory in bytes.

banana timebin

prints actual time binning aray.

banana genbin <start> <step> <n>

determines size of single bin in histogram memory in bytes.

banana setbin <inum> <val>

configuring unequally spaced time binnings.

banana clearbin

deletes the binning informations.

banana preset [<val>]

prints/sets preset Timer or Monitor.

banana exponent [<val>]

prints/sets exponent for Monitor preset.

banana CountMode [<mode>]

prints/sets count mode (Monitor, Timer).

banana init

transfers configuration from host to the actual histogram memory.

banana count

starts counting.

banana initval <val>

initialises histogram memory to value <val>.

banana get <i> <istart> <iend>

retrieves a part of histogram memory.

banana sum <d0min> <d0max> <d1min> <d1max>

returns the sum of counts on an area of the detector.