Counter handling

counter SetPreset <val>

sets the preset to <val>.

counter GetPreset

prints the current preset value.

counter SetExponent <val>

sets exponent for Monitor mode.

counter GetExponent

prints current exponent used in Monitor mode.

counter SetMode <val>

sets counting mode. Allowed modes are Timer and Monitor.

counter GetMode

prints the current mode.

counter GetCounts

prints counts gathered in the last run.

counter GetMonitor <n>

prints counts gathered by monitor <n> in the last run.

counter Count <preset>

starts counting with preset <preset>.

counter Status

prints the counter status.

counter GetTime

retrieves the actual time the counter counted for.

counter GetThreshold <n>

retrieves the threshold of monitor <n>.

counter SetThreshold <n> <val>

sets the threshold for monitor <n> to <val> and also sets the active monitor for the threshold to <n>.