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JSPWiki v2.0.52

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Oxford Instruments Kelvinox Dilution Insert DIL2

DIL2 was aquired in 2006, mainly financed by the "SNF Förderungsprofessur Michel Kenzelmann". It is equipped with a weak link, allowing access to the range 1...2 K without removing the mixture.

Problems with DIL2

  • The weak link is too weak. For the first experiments we will use a simple copper sample holder, and use the sensor on the mixing chamber.

DIL2 Sample mounting

used inMA15MA11MA02MA09
sample space diameter [mm]17.317.323.645
max. sample diameter [mm]12121835
distance from thread to beam center [mm]
adjustable by about +- 10 mm
allowed size below beam center [mm]64306024
On the mixing chamber, there is a bolt with an M5 thread (on the sample container a 7 mm deep hole with an M5 thread is needed).

Preparing DIL

Condense Mixture

Temperature Control

Remove Mixture

Warming up

Attachments:  dil2Open.jpg  GasHandling.jpg  dil2.jpg 
This particular version was published on 07-Aug-2006 07:42:55 UTC by MarkusZolliker.