Diff: MA09

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 62 and version 28:
At line 2 added 5 lines.
+ More Information on intranet page (drawing): [LdmWiki:MA09]
+ [ma09a.jpg]
+ [ma09b.jpg]
Lines 14-16 were replaced by lines 19-21
- |TASP |6 Tesla |with goniometer, goniometer motors removed
- |TASP |9 Tesla |without goniometer unit, monochromator 2theta > 75
- |Rita-II |4 Tesla |with goniometer, goniometer motors removed
+ |TASP |6 Tesla |with goniometer, goniometer motors removed, distance to Be filter: > 20 cm
+ |TASP |9 Tesla |without goniometer unit, monochromator 2theta > 75, distance to Be filter[1]: > 22 cm\\7.9 Tesla: 2theta > 55 ?
+ |Rita-II |4 Tesla\\9 Tesla|with goniometer, goniometer motors removed\\without goniometer
Line 18 was replaced by line 23
- |HRPT |?? |force measurements to be redone
+ |HRPT |4 Tesla |without RC shielding [2]
Line 20 was replaced by line 25
- |TriCS |4 Tesla |
+ |TriCS |2 Tesla |due to problems with omega-encoder (from the forces 4 T is possible)
At line 22 added 4 lines.
+ [1|#1] on TASP: [MA09/taspFilterMA09.png]
+ [2|#2] on HRPT: [MA09/RCshielding.jpg][MA09/RCmotor.jpg]\\
+ The RC shielding (left picture) has to be removed. One of the pieces making trouble is probably the RC motor (right picture).
At line 23 added 2 lines.
+ On all other Instruments, MA09 can not yet be used.
Lines 26-28 were replaced by lines 37-44
- * The magnet seems not to work reliably with the lambda stage
- (2 quenches during an expt. in November 2006). The reason is not
- yet clear. A user claimed that the switch heater power is too low
+ * The magnet has a cold leak, occuring only occasionaly at low temperatures.
+ As a workaround the main vacuum has to be pumped constantly. (Oct 2006)
+ ! Solved issues
+ * The magnet seemed not to work reliably with the lambda stage
+ (2 quenches during an expt. on TASP in November 2006). The reason is
+ not yet clear. A user claimed that the switch heater power is too low
At line 35 added 2 lines.
+ We now believe that during the quench, the magnet was too close to the
+ magnetic beam dump of TASP.
Removed lines 37-41
- * The magnet has a cold leak, occuring only occasionaly at low temperatures.
- As a workaround the main vacuum has to be pumped constantly. (Oct 2006)
- ! Solved issues
At line 44 added 4 lines.
+ [TASP adapter| taspMa9_1.jpg] [TASP adapter |taspMa9_2.jpg]

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