Diff: PreparingDIL

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and version 11:
At line 14 added 4 lines.
+ * take the special assembly to connect the pumping
+ line and the condenser line with the stick
+ * pump out the adapter piece
+ * connect a turbo pump to the IVC, start te pump, but do not yet open the IVC valve.
Lines 16-18 were replaced by line 20
- * cool down the heat exchanger of the variox or magnet
- * pump the IVC (5 min. with sorb temperature set to 40 K,
- then 1 h without sorb heater)
+ The following steps can be done automatically in SEA, under "main diltuion control"
Lines 20-22 were replaced by lines 22-27
- * if not yet done, take the special assembly to connect the pumping
- line and the condenser line with the stick
- * pump out the adapter piece for 15 min
+ * ("cool") cool down the heat exchanger of the variox or magnet
+ * When the stick is cold (< 4K, ins SEA "readyforpump") pump the IVC by clicking on "sorbpump" and opening
+ the IVC valve, which is already connected to a running turbo pump.
+ This heats up the VTI to 5 K, which might take a while. After 20 min. with sorb temperature set to 40 K,
+ then 15 min without sorb heater, the "condense" step starts automatically.

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