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JSPWiki v2.0.52

This is version 16. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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Pressure devices are available in cooperation with the responsible members of LNS.

Before writing a proposal involving pressure, please check the feasibility together with the responsible people:

  • J. White: clamp cells - single crystal inelastic and elastic neutron scattering, Paris-Edinburgh Press - powder samples, single crystals in optimal circumstances.
  • D. Sheptiakov: clamp cells - powder neutron diffraction.

NameDescriptionRangeUsed inDim
P9? clamp cell for elastic ns <9 kbarILL2, ILL5d=7, c=20
P15clamp cell for elastic ns <15 kbarILL2, ILL5d=7, c=20
P10clamp cell for inelastic ns<10 kbarILL2, ILL5d=7, c=20
P18?clamp cell for inelastic ns<18 kbarILL5 d=7, c=20
P30?single crystal clamp cell for elastic ns<30 kbarAPD d=4, c=8
PE Paris-Edinburgh press (opposed anvils)<100 kbarRT d=5, c=1.5

d: sample space diameter
c: useable sample height

Attachments:  12kbar_Cell_PSI.png  Pcells_at_SINQ_PSI_Oct_2016.pdf  12kbar Cell PSI.png 
This particular version was published on 28-Oct-2016 14:07:33 UTC by JonWhite.