
Neutron pressure devices are available in cooperation with the responsible members of LNS.

The best-practices and useful tips for running a pressure experiment are summarized here:

Before writing a proposal involving pressure, please check the feasibility with both the instrument scientist, and the relevant pressure cell responsible:

Below is a link to a file that provides an overview of the routinely available pressure options at SINQ.
Summary of Pressure Cell Options at SINQ (updated Oct' 2016)

Crucial information concerning each routinely available pressure device is summarised in the table below.

NameContactDescriptionRangeUsed inSuitable BeamlinesDim
P10GSclamp cell for single crystal inelastic or elastic ns10-12 kbar at RT, 8-10 kbar at 1.5KILL2, ILL5FOCUS, TASP, RITA-II, EIGER, ZEBRAd=7, c=25
P17GSclamp cell for single crystal inelastic or elastic ns15-17 kbar at RT, 13-15 kbar at 1.5KILL5FOCUS, TASP, RITA-II, EIGER, ZEBRAd=7, c=25
P15DSclamp cell for powder elastic ns13-15 kbar at RT, 12-14 kbar at 1.5KORI4,ILL5HRPT, DMCd=8, c=25
P10_NMSGSnon-magnetic clamp cell for single crystal inelastic or elastic ns8-10 kbar at RT, 7-8 kbar at 1.5KILL2, ILL5, MA09, MA07FOCUS, TASP, RITA-II, EIGER, ZEBRA, SANS-I, SANS-IId=8, c=20
P10_NMPDSnon-magnetic clamp cell for powder elastic ns8-10 kbar at RT, 7-8 kbar at 1.5KORI4, MA09, MA07HRPT, DMCd=6, c=25
PEGSParis-Edinburgh press (opposed anvils)100 kbar at RT, 50kbar at 20KThe press has a RT mode, or a dedicated CCR for low T modeHRPT, DMC for powders, RITA-II for single crystald=5, c=1.5

d: sample space diameter
c: useable sample height

Recent SINQ publications using high pressure (these can give you an idea of what can be achieved at SINQ):