General Initialization and Shutdown | |
NXopen | Opens NeXus file and returns file id |
NXclose | Closes NeXus file |
NXmakegroup | Creates NeXus group |
NXopengroup | Opens existing NeXus group for input/output |
NXclosegroup | Closes NeXus group |
NXmakedata | Creates NeXus data set |
NXopendata | Opens existing NeXus data set for input/output |
NXcompress | Marks the NeXus data set for compression |
NXclosedata | Closes NeXus data set |
Reading and Writing | |
NXgetdata | Reads data from currently open data set |
NXgetslab | Reads a subset of the currently open data set |
NXgetattr | Reads sdata attribute from open data set |
NXputdata | Writes data into the currently open data set |
NXputslab | Writes a subset of data into the currently open data set |
NXputattr | Writes an attribute of the currently open data set |
NXflush | Flushes output to a data file |
Meta-Data Routines | |
NXgetinfo | Gets rank, dimensions and type of currently open data set |
NXgetgroupinfo | Returns the number of items, and the name and class of the current group |
NXinitgroupdir | Initializes directory searches of the current group |
NXgroupdir | Returns a list of items in the current group |
NXgetnextentry | Implements a directory search of the currently open group |
NXgetattrinfo | Returns the number of attributes of the current data set |
NXinitattrdir | Initializes attribute searches of the current data set |
NXattrdir | Returns a list of attributes of the current data set |
NXgetnextattr | Implements a search of all the attributes of the currently open data set |
Linking and Group Hierarchy | |
NXgetgroupID | Returns the identifier of the currently open group as an NXlink structure |
NXgetdataID | Returns the identifier of the currently open data set |
NXmakelink | Links a data item (group or set) to another group |
Reading and Writing | |
NXUwriteglobals | Writes all the valid global attributes of a file. |
NXUwritegroup | Opens a group (creating it if necessary). |
NXUwritedata | Opens a data item (creating it if necessary) and writes data and its units. |
NXUreaddata | Opens and reads a data item and its units. |
NXUwritehistogram | Opens one dimensional data item (creating it if necessary) and writes histogram centers and their units. |
NXUreadhistogram | Opens and reads a one dimensional data item and converts it to histogram bin boundaries. |
NXUsetcompress | Defines the compression algorithm and minimum dataset size for subsequent write operations. |
Finding Groups, Data, and Attributes | |
NXUfindgroup | Checks whether a group of the specified name is contained within the currently open group. |
NXUfindclass | Returns the name of a group of the specified class if it is contained within the currently open group. |
NXUfinddata | Checks whether a data item of the specified name is contained within the currently open group. |
NXUfindattr | Checks whether the currently open data item has the specified attribute. |
NXUfindsignal | Searches the currently open group for a data item with the specified SIGNAL attribute. |
NXUfindaxis | Searches the currently open group for a data item with the specified AXIS attribute. |
Finding Linked Groups | |
NXUfindlink | Finds another link to the specified NeXus data item and opens the group it is in. |
NXUresumelink | Reopens the original group from which NXUfindlink was used. |
Name | Description | Current Default Value |
NX_CHAR | Data type for 8-byte signed integer | 4 |
NX_FLOAT32 | Data type for 8-byte signed integer | 5 |
NX_FLOAT64 | Data type for 8-byte signed integer | 6 |
NX_INT8 | Data type for 1-byte signed integer | 20 |
NX_UINT8 | Data type for 1-byte unsigned integer | 21 |
NX_INT16 | Data type for 2-byte signed integer | 22 |
NX_UINT16 | Data type for 2-byte unsigned integer | 23 |
NX_INT32 | Data type for 4-byte signed integer | 24 |
NX_UINT32 | Data type for 4-byte unsigned integer | 25 |
Name | Description | Current Default Value |
NX_OK | Success return status | 1 |
NX_ERROR | Failed return status | 0 |
NX_EOD | End of record return status | -1 |
NX_COMP_NONE | Parameter defining no compression | 100 |
NX_COMP_LZW | Parameter defining LZW compression | 200 |
NX_COMP_RLE | Parameter defining run-length encoding compression | 300 |
NX_COMP_HUF | Parameter defining Skipping Huffman compression | 400 |
NX_MAXRANK | Maximum number of dimensions | 32 |
NX_MAXNAMELEN | Maximum length of NeXus name | 64 |
NXi1 | Kind parameter for a 1-byte integer | selected_int_kind(2) |
NXi2 | Kind parameter for a 2-byte integer | selected_int_kind(4) |
NXi4 | Kind parameter for a 4-byte integer | selected_int_kind(8) |
NXr4 | Kind parameter for a 4-byte real | kind(1.0) |
NXr8 | Kind parameter for an 8-byte real | kind(1.0D0) |
NXopen (file_name, access_method, file_id)
Opens the NeXus file, and creates and initializes the NeXus file structure. The returned handle is a pointer to this structure.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus file to be opened |
access_method | integer | NXACC_READ - read only access | |
NXACC_RDWR - read and write access | |||
NXACC_CREATE - create (HDF4) access | |||
NXACC_CREATE4 - create HDF4 access | |||
NXACC_CREATE5 - create HDF5 access | |||
Output Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXclose (file_id)
Closes NeXus file and deletes all associated data structures from memory.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXmakegroup (file_id, group_name, group_class)
Creates a NeXus group at the current level in the group hierarchy, defining its name and class. This does not open the new group automatically.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus group | |
group_class | character(len=*) | Class of NeXus group |
NXopengroup (file_id, group_name, group_class)
Opens an existing NeXus group for input and output of data.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus group | |
group_class | character(len=*) | Class of NeXus group |
NXclosegroup (file_id)
Closes the currently open group. If this group is a top-level group (i.e. with class NXentry), no groups are left open. Otherwise, the next group up in the hierarchy (i.e. the group containing the currently open group) is left open.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXmakedata (file_id, data_name, data_type, rank, dimensions, compress_type, chunk_size)
Creates a new NeXus data set with the specified name, type, rank and dimensions. The data compression parameter and chunk size are optional.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus data set | |
data_type | integer | Type of data (see list of valid data types) | |
rank | integer | Rank of data | |
dimensions | integer(:) | Dimensions of data. The array is of size 'rank' | |
compress_type | integer | Compression algorithm to be used : | |
NX_COMP_HUF - Skipping Huffman | |||
NX_COMP_RLE - Run Length Encoding | |||
chunk_size | integer(:) | Size of data chunks. The array is of size 'rank' |
NXopendata (file_id, data_name)
Opens an existing NeXus data set for further processing i.e. reading and writing data or attributes, defining compression algorithms, and obtaining data set information.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus data set |
NXcompress (file_id, compress_type)
Defines a compression algorithm for subsequent calls to NXputdata.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
compress_type | integer | Compression algorithm to be used : | |
NX_COMP_HUF - Skipping Huffman | |||
NX_COMP_RLE - Run Length Encoding |
NXclosedata (file_id)
Ends access to the currently active data set
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXgetdata (file_id, data)
Reads data values from the currently open data set. Please note that memory overwrite occurs if the caller has not allocated enough memory to hold all the data available. Call NXgetinfo to determine the required dimension sizes. The data set must have been opened by NXopendata. NXgetdata assumes that "data" is a one-dimensional array (unless it's a character string). If the requested data has more than one dimension, read it into a one-dimensional buffer and then copy it to an array of the correct dimension using the Fortran 90 RESHAPE intrinsic function.e.g.
status = NXgetinfo (file_id, rank, dims, datatype)
allocate (buffer(PRODUCT(dims(1:rank))))
status = NXgetdata (file_id, buffer)
data = RESHAPE(buffer,dims(1:rank))
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | data | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Data values |
NXgetslab (file_id, data, start, size)
Reads a subset of the data in the current data set specifying the starting indices and size of slab for each dimension. The caller is responsible for allocating enough memory for the data. NXgetslab assumes that "data" is a one-dimensional array (unless it's a character string). If the requested data has more than one dimension, read it into a one-dimensional buffer and then copy it to an array of the correct dimension using the Fortran 90 RESHAPE intrinsic function (see NXgetdata)
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
start | integer(:) | Indices of starting values in each dimension | |
size | integer(:) | Length of slab in each dimension | |
Output Arguments | data | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Data values |
NXgetattr (file_id, attr_name, value, length, type)
Reads attribute values associated with the currently open data set. The attribute is defined by its name. Attributes are meta-data; data that provides information on the associated data set such as units, long names etc. If no data set is open, it looks for a global attribute i.e. attributes of the NeXus file. The length and type arguments are optional.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
attr_name | character(len=*) | Name of attribute | |
length | integer | Length of buffer for storing attribute data | |
type | integer | Type of attribute data (see list of valid data types) | |
Output Arguments | value | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Value of attribute |
length | integer | Actual length of attribute data |
NXputdata (file_id, data)
Writes data into the specified data set. NXputdata assumes that "data" is a one-dimensional array (unless it's a character string). If the data has more than one dimension, copy it first into a one-dimensional buffer using the Fortran 90 RESHAPE intrinsic function e.g.
status = NXputdata (file_id, RESHAPE(data,(/size(data)/))
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Data values |
NXputslab (file_id, data, start, size)
Writes a subset of a multidimensional data array, specified by the starting indices and size of slab for each dimension, into the currently open dataset. If the data has more than one dimension, copy it first into a one-dimensional buffer using the Fortran 90 RESHAPE intrinsic function (see NXputdata).
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Data values | |
start | integer(:) | Indices of starting values in each dimension | |
size | integer(:) | Length of slab in each dimension |
NXputattr (file_id, attr_name, value, length, type)
Writes an attribute of the currently open data set. If no data set is open, a global attribute is generated. The attribute has both a name and a value. The length and type arguments are optional.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
attr_name | character(len=*) | Name of attribute | |
value | integer(:) real(:) character(len=*) | Value of attribute | |
length | integer | Length of data | |
type | integer | Type of attribute data (see list of valid data types) |
NXflush (file_id)
Flushes all data to the NeXus file. Since this command closes and reopens the file, a new file handle is returned. The command leaves the program in the same state, i.e. with the same group and/or data set open.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXgetinfo (file_id, rank, dimensions, data_type)
Gets the rank, dimensions and data type of the currently open data set.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | rank | integer | Rank of data |
dimensions | integer(:) | Dimensions of data | |
data_type | integer | Type of data (see list of valid data types) |
NXgetgroupinfo (file_id, item_number, group_name, group_class)
Returns the number of items in the current group, and the name and class of the current group. "group_name" and "group_class" are optional arguments.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | item_number | integer | Number of NeXus data items in the current group |
group_name | character(len=*) | Name of currently open NeXus group | |
group_class | character(len=*) | Class of currently open NeXus group |
NXinitgroupdir (file_id)
Initializes directory searches of the currently open group. This is required to reset searches using NXgetnextentry that may have been interrupted before completion.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXgroupdir (file_id, item_number, item_name, item_class)
Returns a directory of items in the current group as an array of character strings. Note that if the item is a data set, its class is "SDS". The user must ensure that the arrays are large enough to contain the results (call NXgetgroupinfo first).
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | item_number | integer | Number of NeXus data items |
item_name | character(len=*)(:) | List of NeXus item names | |
item_class | character(len=*)(:) | List of NeXus item classes |
NXgetnextentry (file_id, name, class, data_type)
Implements a directory search facility on the current group level. The first call initializes the search and returns information on the first data item in the list. Subsequent calls yield information about the remaining items. If the item is a group, its name and class is returned. If it is a data set, its name and type is returned with a class of "SDS."
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | name | character(len=*) | Name of NeXus data item (group or set) |
class | character(len=*) | Class of NeXus group | |
data_type | integer | Type of data set (see list of valid data types) |
NXgetattrinfo (file_id, attr_number)
Returns the number of attributes in the current data set.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | attr_number | integer | Number of attributes in the current data set |
NXinitattrdir (file_id)
Initializes attribute searches of the currently open data set. This is required to reset searches using NXgetnextattr that may have been interrupted before completion.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
NXattrdir (file_id, attr_number, attr_name)
Returns a directory of attributes in the current data set as an array of character strings. The user must ensure that the array is large enough to contain the results (call NXgetattrinfo first).
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | attr_number | integer | Number of attributes |
item_name | character(len=*)(:) | List of attribute names |
NXgetnextattr (file_id, attr_name, length, type)
Implements a search facility of the attributes of the currently open data set. The first call initializes the search and returns information on the first attribute in the list. Subsequent calls yield information about the remaining attributes. This routine returns global attributes if no data set is open.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | attr_name | character(len=*) | Name of next attribute |
length | integer | Length of next attribute | |
type | integer | Type of next attribute (see list of valid data types) |
NXgetgroupID (file_id, group_id)
Returns the identifier of the currently open group as an NXlink structure.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | group_id | type(NXlink) | Identifier of NeXus group |
NXgetdataID (file_id, data_id)
Gets the identifier of the currently open data set as an NXlink structure (which contains the HDF tag/reference pair). Returns NX_ERROR if there is no open data set.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | data_id | type(NXlink) | Identifier of NeXus data set |
NXmakelink (file_id, link)
Links a data item (group or set) to a NeXus group. Returns NX_ERROR if the current group level is the root level, since no data item can be linked here.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
Output Arguments | link | type(NXlink) | Identifier of linked group |
NXUwriteglobals (file_id, user, affiliation, address, phone, fax, email)
Writes the global attributes defined in the NeXus standard. Note that NeXus_version, file_name and file_time are written automatically by the NeXus API. The attribute arguments are optional, so the F90 keyword syntax can be used for all of them, e.g.
status = NXUwriteglobals (file_id, user="Joe Bloggs", email="JB@some.where")
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
user | character(len=*) | Name of user | |
affiliation | character(len=*) | User's affiliation | |
address | character(len=*) | User's address | |
phone | character(len=*) | User's telephone number | |
fax | character(len=*) | User's fax number | |
character(len=*) | User's email address |
NXUwritegroup (file_id, group_name, group_class)
Creates a NeXus group leaving it open for subsequent data output.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_name | character(len=*) | Name of group | |
group_class | character(len=*) | Class of group |
NXUwritedata (file_id, data_name, data, units, data_start, data_size)
Creates, opens and writes a NeXus data set in the current group. "data" can be a scalar value, or a one-, two-, or three-dimensional array. If higher dimensions are required, use the core API (see NXputdata). "units", "data_start" and "data_size" are optional parameters. If you want the data set to be compressed, set default compression parameters in NXUsetcompress.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of data set | |
data | integer integer(:) integer(:,:) integer(:,:,:) real real(:) real(:,:) real(:,:,:) character(len=*) | Data values | |
units | character(len=*) | Data units (optional) | |
start | integer(:) | Starting indices of data slab (optional) | |
size | integer(:) | Length of each dimension of data slab (optional) |
NXUreaddata (file_id, data_name, data, units, data_start, data_size)
Opens and reads a NeXus data set in the current group. "data" can be a scalar value, or a one-, two-, or three-dimensional array. If higher dimensions are required, use the core API (see NXgetdata). "units", "data_start" and "data_size" are optional parameters.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of data set | |
start | integer(:) | Starting indices of data slab (optional) | |
size | integer(:) | Length of each dimension of data slab (optional) | |
Output Arguments | data | integer integer(:), pointer integer(:,:), pointer integer(:,:,:), pointer real real(:), pointer real(:,:), pointer real(:,:,:), pointer character(len=*) | Data values |
units | character(len=*) | Data units (optional) |
NXUwritehistogram (file_id, data_name, data, units)
Creates, opens and writes a one dimensional NeXus data item with units. The input "data" are assumed to be histogram bin boundaries, and the stored data contains the histogram centers, i.e. the stored array has a dimension one less than the "data". The "histogram_offset" attribute is automatically set to half the width of the first bin, which allows the regeneration of the bin boundaries by NXUreadhistogram.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of histogram | |
data | real(:), pointer | Histogram bin boundaries | |
units | character(len=*) | Data units (optional) |
NXUreadhistogram (file_id, data_name, data, units)
Opens and reads a one dimensional real data set in the current group. The data are assumed to be histogram bin boundaries, which are stored in NeXus files as bin centers with the first bin offset defined as the attribute "histogram_offset", i.e. the returned array has a dimension one greater than the stored array (see NXUwritehistogram). If the "histogram_offset" attribute is not present, it is assumed that the first bin width equals the separation of the first two bin centers.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Name of histogram | |
Output Arguments | data | real(:), pointer | Histogram bin boundaries |
units | character(len=*) | Data units (optional) |
NXUsetcompress (file_id, compress_type, compress_size)
Sets the compression type to be used in subsequent calls to NXUwritedata. The second parameter, which is optional, sets the minimum number of elements in a data set before any compression is performed. This is to prevent inefficient compression of small data sets. The default value is 100.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
compress_type | integer | Compression algorithm to be used : | |
NX_COMP_HUF - Skipping Huffman | |||
NX_COMP_RLE - Run Length Encoding | |||
NX_COMP_NONE - No compression | |||
compress_size | integer | Minimum number of elements in data set before data compression is attempted. |
NXUfindgroup (file_id, group_name, group_class)
Finds if NeXus group exists in the current group and returns its class.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the group is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_name | character(len=*) | Name of group | |
Output Arguments | group_class | character(len=*) | Class of group |
NXUfindclass (file_id, group_class, group_name, find_index)
Finds if a NeXus group of the requested class exists in the current group and returns its name. "find_index" is used when there is more than one group of the required class; find_index = 3 returns the name of the third group found.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the group is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_class | character(len=*) | Requested class | |
find_index | integer | Search index | |
Output Arguments | group_name | character(len=*) | Name of group with that class |
NXUfinddata (file_id, data_name)
Finds if a NeXus data set of the requested name exists in the current group.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the data set is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
data_name | character(len=*) | Requested data set |
NXUfindattr (file_id, attr_name)
Finds if a NeXus attribute of the current data set exists.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the attribute is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
attr_name | character(len=*) | Requested attribute name |
NXUfindsignal (file_id, signal, data_name, data_rank, data_type, data_dimensions)
Finds the NeXus data set in the current group with the required signal attribute, and returns its name, rank, type and dimensions.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the data set is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
signal | integer | Required value of signal attribute | |
Output Arguments | data_name | character(len=*) | Data set with required signal attribute |
data_rank | integer | Rank of data set | |
data_type | integer | Type of data set (see list of valid data types) | |
data_dimensions | integer(:) | Dimensions of data set |
NXUfindaxis (file_id, axis, primary, data_name, data_rank, data_type, data_dimensions)
Finds the NeXus data set in the current group with the required axis and primary attributes, and returns its name, rank, type and dimensions. Note that the axis data set should be one-dimensional.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the data set is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
axis | integer | Required value of axis attribute | |
primary | integer | Required value of primary attribute | |
Output Arguments | data_name | character(len=*) | Data set with required signal attribute |
data_rank | integer | Rank of data set | |
data_type | integer | Type of data set (see list of valid data types) | |
data_dimensions | integer(:) | Dimensions of data set |
NXUfindlink (file_id, group_id, group_class)
Finds another group to which the currently open data set is linked and leaves it open for getting associated data. "group_id" stores the ID of the original group to enable a subsequent return (see NXUresumelink). "group_class" is an optional argument which restricts the search to the specified group class.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the data set is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_class | character(len=*) | Group classes to be searched. | |
Output Arguments | group_id | type(NXlink) | ID of current group. |
NXUresumelink (file_id, group_id)
Returns to the original group from which an NXfindlink call was issued.
Name | Type | Description | |
Return Value | status | integer | Error status = NX_OK if the data set is found |
Input Arguments | file_id | type(NXhandle) | Identifier of NeXus file |
group_id | type(NXlink) | ID of original group |
Comments to: Ray Osborn <>
Revised: Saturday, September 14, 2002
Copyright © 1999-2002 NeXus Design Team. All rights reserved.