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JSPWiki v2.0.52

This is version 5. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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SEA means "Sample Environment Automation". It is a client - server software for controlling and monitoring sample environment devices.


  • Logging of all relevant variables at 5 sec interval, stored for at least one year
  • Control logic not handled by the hardware: automatic needle valve control, correction for sample - heat exchanger difference.
  • Charts for live display and for inspecting the history
  • Graphical user interface for changing control parameters
  • Command interface (commands can be used in an instrument batch file, or entered directly)

Starting the SEA client

Enter sea on the unix command line, or click on the SEA icon on the linux desktop.

Architecture of SEA

Sea/seaDiagram.gif Figure: Diagram showing the client - server architecture of SEA and how it is embedded into the instrument control software.

Attachments:  seaDiagram.gif 
This particular version was published on 20-Apr-2007 08:30:35 UTC by MarkusZolliker.