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JSPWiki v2.0.52

NameDescription T-rangesample
Thread on stick sample length
FSsmall furnace 350...700 K 25* M6 female <70
FTtantalum furnace375...1400 K5045M6 female
FIILL-type furnace
temporary out of service
500...1800 K4035M8 male
FFTF?fast ramping thin film furnace300...900 K 1010clampedthinfilm substrate
(*) 50 mm without radiation screen. However, in this mode very large temperature gradients are expected.

Please contact the sample environment group before any experiment with a furnace. There are different aspects that have to be discussed in advance.

Working with high temperature furnace need great care:

  • the choice of an adequate container:
    • does the sample react with the container? For metallic samples, please check the phase diagrams of possible alloys which might be created when the sample reacts with the container or sample stick.
    • is the sample outgasing? It is preferred to work with either an open container, or with a container connected to a tube sample stick, allowing to control the atmosphere from outside.
  • the thermocouples have to be fixed well, and the proper calibration curve has to be selected.
  • never use Cadmium or Indium in a furnace, even not at relatively 'low' temperatures

The pictures below shows what might happen, if these rules are not obeyed.

Picture 1: Reaction of the sample with the container.

FurnaceList/ftCd1.jpg FurnaceList/ftCd2.jpg FurnaceList/ftCd3.jpg FurnaceList/ftCd4.jpg
Picture 2,3,4,5: Molten and condensed Cadmium.

Attachments:  moltenSample.jpg  ftCd1.jpg  ftCd3.jpg  ftCd4.jpg  ftCd2.jpg 
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