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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 84 lines.
+ JSPWiki comes with a XML-RPC interface. For more information, see:
+ * [http://www.xmlrpc.com/]
+ * [JSPWiki:WikiRPCInterface]
+ !!XML-RPC Standard API
+ Here is now the API as of v1.6.12 (the command prefix being ''wiki.'').
+ The default URL for this API is <your-wiki-url>/RPC2
+ * __array getRecentChanges( Date timestamp )__: Get list of changed pages since
+ ''timestamp'', which should be in UTC. The result is an array, where each
+ element is a struct:
+ ** ''name'' (string) : Name of the page. The name is UTF-8 with URL
+ encoding to make it ASCII.
+ ** ''lastModified'' (date) : Date of last modification, in UTC.
+ ** ''author'' (string) : Name of the author (if available). Again, name is
+ UTF-8 with URL encoding.
+ ** ''version'' (int) : Current version.
+ * A page MAY be specified multiple times. A page MAY NOT be specified multiple
+ times with the ''same'' modification date.
+ * __int getRPCVersionSupported()__: Returns 1 with this version of the JSPWiki API.
+ * __base64 getPage( String pagename )__: Get the raw Wiki text of page, latest
+ version. Page name __must__ be UTF-8, with URL encoding. Returned value is a
+ binary object, with UTF-8 encoded page data.
+ * __base64 getPageVersion( String pagename, int version )__: Get the raw Wiki
+ text of page. Returns UTF-8, expects UTF-8 with URL encoding.
+ * __base64 getPageHTML( String pagename )__: Return page in rendered HTML.
+ Returns UTF-8, expects UTF-8 with URL encoding.
+ * __base64 getPageHTMLVersion( String pagename, int version )__: Return page
+ in rendered HTML, UTF-8.
+ * __array getAllPages()__: Returns a list of all pages. The result is an array
+ of strings, again UTF-8 in URL encoding.
+ * __struct getPageInfo( string pagename )__ : returns a struct with elements
+ ** ''name'' (string): the canonical page name, URL-encoded UTF-8.
+ ** ''lastModified'' (date): Last modification date, UTC.
+ ** ''author'' (string): author name, URL-encoded UTF-8.
+ ** ''version'' (int): current version
+ * __struct getPageInfoVersion( string pagename, int version )__ : returns a
+ struct just like plain ''getPageInfo()'', but this time for a specific
+ version.
+ * __array listLinks( string pagename )__: Lists all links for a given page.
+ The returned array contains structs, with the following elements:
+ ** ''page'' (string) : The page name or URL the link is to.
+ ** ''type'' (int) : The link type. This is a string, with the following
+ possible values:
+ *** "external" : The link is an external hyperlink
+ *** "local" : This is a local Wiki name for hyperlinking
+ As you can see, all data is returned in a ''base64'' -type in UTF-8
+ encoding, regardless of what JSPWiki preference actually is. Also,
+ all incoming or outcoming strings are really UTF-8, but they have been
+ URL-encoded so that the XML-RPC requirement of ASCII is fulfilled.
+ !!The UTF-8 API
+ This is exactly as the upper API, except that ALL strings should be
+ encoded in UTF-8. Also, instead of base64 type, all methods returning
+ page data return UTF-8 format strings.
+ This does break the XML-RPC spec somewhat, but for ease of use I think
+ it is important to serve both models. Use which one you like :-).
+ The default URL for the UTF-8 XML-RPC API is
+ <your-wiki-url>/RPCU
+ !!Errors
+ All methods which handle a page in any way can return a Fault. Current fault
+ codes are:
+ * 1 : No such page was found.

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