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A string object is similar to a SICS variable (created with VarMake) but with the following differences:

  • Its value is logged
  • It may be created after startup, and is persistent

Creating a StrObj variable is done with

  makeobject <variable name> string
Setting the value has a different syntax from SICS variables:
  <variable> = <value>
This syntax is used for all variables based on pardef. It is used in order to have a clear distinction between a subcommand and setting the main value of an object. If someone wants to perform the interest subcommand, and writes vars intrest and vars is a StrObj, then an error message is written because of the typo. If vars would be a SICS variable, its value would get overwritten, which is a less desired behaviour.

The variable vars is a special variable of this type, used by the graphical sea client to obatin a list of variables beeing to be plotted. The value is a space delimited list of variables. After each variable, an identifier might be put, separated with a slash, indicating the plot window to be used. A convention is to put the unit name as identifer for the plot window. Example:

  vars = te/K te.t2/K te.htr/%
On the graph, two plots will appear, in the first plot the variables te and te.ts are shown, in the second the variable te.htr is shown.

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This page last changed on 19-Sep-2005 10:18:35 UTC by MarkusZolliker.