Diff: TasVariables

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 9 and version 7:
Removed lines 5-8
- ;AS,BS,CS: unit cell constants [[Angstroem]
- ;AA,BB,CC: unit cell constants [[degrees]
- ;AX,AY,AZ: Components of a recip. lattice vector in scattering plane of the sample. A3 is the angle between KI and (AX,AY,AZ).
- ;BX,BY,BZ: Components of a second distinct recip. lattice vector in scattering plane.
Removed line 30
- SINQ Instruments:
Lines 59-61 were replaced by line 54
- QH -\
- QK +-- Components of Q in Reciprocal Lattice Units [R.L.U.]
- QL -/
+ QH Q in Reciprocal Lattice Units (3 components!)
Lines 69-96 were replaced by line 62
- IF1V IF1V and IF2V are currents [[Amps] in the vertical-field
- IF2V coils for Flipper 1 and Flipper 2.
- IF1H Horizontal-field currents are KI*IF1H for Flipper1 and
- IF2H KF*IF2H for F2.
- HELM Angle between axis of Helmholtz pair one and KI.
- F1 -\ Status of flippers one and two; these variables take the
- F2 -/ values ON or OFF.
- ''Currents''
- {{{
- I1 -\
- I2 \
- I3 +-- power supply current values [Amps]
- . /
- I11 -/
- }}}
- ''Field''
- {{{
- HX -\ Components of Helmholtz fields at sample in Oersteds.
- HY +-- HX is parallel to Q and HY is perpendicular to Q in
- HZ -/ the scattering plane.
- }}}
- !Increments Variables
- For all motors, virtual motors, currents and field
- the identifier for the step used with a SCan command is obtained
- by prefixing the variable name with the letter D.
+ not yet specified

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