Diff: StdSctInitCmds

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 3 and version 1:
At line 38 added 35 lines.
+ !obj
+ {{{
+ obj <class> [<options>] <kind> [<options>]
+ }}}
+ Create an object.
+ <class> is a class name, this is an identifier for this type
+ of object. It is reasonable to use the driver name.
+ <options> are one of the following
+ {{{
+ -float -int -text -none -drive
+ -intar -floatar -intvarar -floatvarar -func -object
+ }}}
+ specifying the data type. The items in the second line are used for special needs,
+ and not documented here. {{-drive}} means that the node has float as data type,
+ and that the object is driveable. In addition the default access rights might be
+ modified with one of the following options:
+ {{{
+ -internal -spy -user -mugger
+ }}}
+ <kind> is one of
+ {{{
+ wr [<period> <prio> <action>]
+ rd [<period> <prio> <action>]
+ upd
+ out
+ par <value>
+ }}}
Lines 45-46 were replaced by lines 80-85
- Change the default period(s). The fast poll period is the poll period used
- for {{rd}} nodes
+ Change the default period(s). The fast poll period (default 5 sec)is the poll
+ period used for {{rd}} nodes and the logging period. The slow poll period
+ (default 10) is the read period for {{wr}} nodes. This command affects all the
+ following {{node}}, {{object}} and {{kids}} commands.

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