
Standard Configuration Commands

The following commands are defined in the namespace stdConfig. The initialisation script should also to be in this namespace, and the name must be identical to the driver name.


  controller std [sendterminator=...] [timeout=...] [replyterminator=...] [lineseparator=...]
  controller bin <crc-algorithm> <timeout>
  controller <other protocol> <protocol args>
Defaults are:
  replyterminator=   (means CR/LF or any combination)
  lineseparator=     (means no multiline responses are expected)

Create the controller, if it does not yet exist. For special needs the return value might be inspected. It is 1 when the controller was created, 0 when it existed already.

Other protocols than std and bin might be programmed in the core SICS code, in fact there are already a couple of them made by Mark Koennecke. For some needs, it might be easier to enhance the std or bin protocol.


  controllerDesc <controller description>

The controller description is an information that appears in the configuration layout. It should clarify to which hardware device it belongs.


  obj <class> [<options>] <kind> [<options>]

Create an object.

<class> is a class name, this is an identifier for this type of object. It is reasonable to use the driver name.

<options> are one of the following

  -float -int -text -none -drive
  -intar -floatar -intvarar -floatvarar -func -object
specifying the data type. The items in the second line are used for special needs, and not documented here. -drive means that the node has float as data type, and that the object is driveable. In addition the default access rights might be modified with one of the following options:
  -internal -spy -user -mugger

<kind> is one of

  wr [<period> <prio> <action>]
  rd [<period> <prio> <action>]
  par <value>


  pollperiod <fast poll period> [<slow poll period>]

Change the default period(s). The fast poll period (default 5 sec)is the poll period used for rd nodes and the logging period. The slow poll period (default 10) is the read period for wr nodes. This command affects all the following node, object and kids commands.