Diff: SeaServer

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 11 and version 6:
Lines 13-14 were replaced by lines 13-14
- all instruments and are placed in the subdirectory ''sea/tcl''. There
- is one exception, ''sea/sea.tcl''. This file contains
+ all instruments and are placed in the directory ''~/sea/tcl''. There
+ is one exception, ''~/sea/sea.tcl''. This file contains
Line 16 was replaced by lines 16-17
- instrument independent startup file ''sea/tcl/seainit.tcl''.
+ instrument independent startup file ''~/sea/tcl/seainit.tcl''.
+ This file calls all scripts in the directory ''~/sea/tcl/startup/'.
At line 45 added 18 lines.
+ Syntax:
+ {{{
+ samenv <device name> configure sea for the given SE device
+ samenv show the actual configuration
+ samenv none remove all objects related with the actual
+ SE device
+ cfgenv <driver> <host:port> configure the serial connection of a controller
+ cfgenv list all configured controllers
+ makenv <object> <driver> make an object, using the configuration defined
+ with cfgenv (this command can be used in
+ configuration scripts only)
+ }}}

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