Diff: NeutronWWW

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and version 2:
Line 26 was replaced by lines 26-97
- [hrpthmstatus.pdf]
+ [hrpthmstatus.jpg]
+ There is this line reading: Events processed by filler When DAQ is active, the associated number
+ should increase continuously. Even with SINQ off there should be events any few seconds. If
+ nothing is coming here, then the electronics does not send neutron events.
+ The next line reading Events skipped due to mask is interesting too. This will continuously
+ increase when the HM sees events where the sync bits are not OK. A small percentage of all neutron
+ events occuring here is OK. But if all events come here, something is wrong. Scroll down further, and
+ you can see which sync bit is triggered. But there is only a channel number. What is plugged in
+ there, ask the electronics guys.
+ Then there is a line or lines reading something like:
+ {{{
+ bank 0: axis 1: counts low: 0 counts high: 0
+ }}}
+ Such lines show if there are events outside of the histogramming limits for this axis.
+ For normal, physical detector axis like x or y, this should be low numbers of neutron events,
+ ideally 0. If this is not the case, something is wrong: either the electronics delivers phony
+ numbers of the configuration of the HM is wrong. Check the configuration page.
+ For TOF axes it is normal that some percentage of the neutron events are outside of the
+ time binning range. But if a large number of events is outside, scold the user because she
+ configured an unsuitable time binning.
+ If any of the counters: Events unknown, Packets incomplete or Packets oversized keeps increasing,
+ then the electronics is sending bad packets on the fibre optics link. After SINQ startup this might
+ actually have a high count, when there is no electronics switched on or if the fibre optics link
+ is disconnected this increases too. Due to noise. To be sure, reboot the HM and observe what
+ happens.
+ Then there is the counter with the TSI packets. TSI packets are Time Status Information packets which
+ are sent by the MDI at regular time intervalls. They contain status information from the electronics.
+ No matter what, this counter should increase slowly over time. If not, the detector electronics is
+ either switched off or broken. In the latter case, raise an alarm with electronics guys. This is no longer
+ a software problem.
+ There are other counters here: Detected Fifo Overflows, Detected Taxi Chip Errors. If these
+ increase, either the fibre optic link has been disconnected or the Mezanine card for reading
+ the fibre optic link into the HM is broken. Again a problem for the electronics group; not
+ software.
+ !! The Configuration Page
+ This page shows the current configuration as known to the HM. It may be useful to look at this
+ when there is the assumption that the configuration is not properly transferred by SICS. BTW: if there
+ is such a problem: SICS compiles the XML configuration with a script. The script name can be found by
+ looking at the initscript parameter of the HM in SICS.
+ !! The Debug SHM Tab
+ This page shows error messages from the HM software itself. There is rarely something intersting to be
+ found here: the HM software is stable since years.
+ !! The Raw Data Tab
+ From this tab, it is possible to look at the raw neutron event messages as they come in from the fibre optic
+ link. This is sometimes useful for debugging purposes. When you enable Show Packet Info, the packest will
+ be unpacked into a readable form. Otherwise interpreting the packets is a binary black art
+ especially as there is not much documentation about the packet format besides the source code of
+ the SinqHM software. Please note: the WWW-interface works best with firefox; events will only be shown
+ after restarting DAQ.

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