Diff: DilutionCryostats

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 38 and version 8:
At line 0 added 2 lines.
+ Please read also the [rules concerning dilution refrigerator experiments|MagnetDilutionPolicy]
Lines 2-4 were replaced by lines 4-26
- |[DIL1]|Oxford Instruments dilution insert\\used with [MA09], [VARIOX] or [MA02]|>50 mK|see [DIL1]
- |[DIL2]|Oxford Instruments dilution insert\\used with [MA15], [MA11], [MA02] or [MA09]|>50 mK|see [DIL2]
- |[HEOX] |Oxford Instruments 3He sorption cryostat|>330 mK|
+ |[DIL1]|(no longer used)
+ |[DIL2]\\[DIL3]\\[DIL4]|Oxford Instruments dilution insert\\used with [MA15], [MA11], [MA02], [MA6], [MA7], [MA10] or [VARIOX]|>50 mK|see [DilSampleMounting]\\and [Calculator for Sample Mounting in DIL|Print:CalculatorForSampleMountingInDil]
+ |[DIL5]|large Oxford Instruments dilution insert\\used with [MB11] or [VarioxB] |>50 mK|
+ |[HelioxVT]|Oxford Instruments 3He insert\\used with [MA7] or [MA10] |>230 mK|
+ The old 4He bath cryostat with 3He sorption cryostat [HEOX] cannot be used reasonably on neutron scattering instruments.
+ For a list of available spacers see [here|Spacerlist].
+ [dil gas handling schematic]
+ !Heater ranges with weak link
+ prop = 0.1, integ = 8
+ ||Heater range||stable above||may be heated up to
+ | 20mW | 1 K | > 4 K
+ | 2mW | 0.5 K | 3 K
+ | 200uW | 0.2 K | 1.2 K
+ | 20uW | 0.07 K| 0.4 K
+ | 2uW | base T| 0.15 K

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