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JSPWiki v2.0.52

This is version 2. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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SICS Remote Objects

A remote object is a link to an object on an other SICS server. The remote object behaves almost equally as if it would live on the same server. At present, the driveable and the callback interface ist supported.

For any remote server supported, there is a remserver object which may be created with the command

remob server <remserver> <host>:<port>

where <remserver> is the name of the remserver object, <host> is the host running the remote SICS server, and <port> is its ServerPort. The remserver may be used to execute commands on the other server.

Usage of a Remserver

<remserver> <remote command>
execute a command on a remote server (waiting for the response)
return the host:port of the remote server and the host:port of the executing server
<remserver> nowait <remote command>
execute a command on a remote server (do not wait for the response). This is useful, if you want to start a script on a remote server which needs access to the calling server.
<remserver> markForDel
mark all remote objects for this remserver for deletion
<remserver> delMarked
delete all marked remote objects for this remserver. (Note: if a remote object was overwritten since markForDel, it is not deleted).

Create Remote Objects

remob drv <object name> <remserver>
create (or overwrite) a new remob driveable object linked with an object with the same name on the specified remote server.
remob obj <object name> <remserver>
create (or overwrite) a new remob object (not driveable)
remob del <object name>
delete a remote object

This particular version was published on 13-Sep-2005 11:51:04 UTC by MarkusZolliker.