
Procedure to Change the Option for the Sample Stick Rotation

There are 7 options now:

set stickmotor 0
Normal mode: motor om is sample table
set stickmotor 1
MA15 mode: motor om is sample stick, motor sro is sample table
set ma15motor 2
MA02 mode: motor om is sample table, motor stick is sample stick

Change to Omega on Sample Stick (for MA15)

        set stickmotor 15
        monit stop sicsserver
        monit start sicsserver

Outdated information:

If the motor is not running, it may be necessary to load the motor parameters with the el734_test program. Type

        el734_test -help
for documentation. A parameter file can be found under /home/users/tascom/PSI/mot_4_01.par (no longer there!)

Actually the serial cable for the omega motor is connected to channel 4 (port 3004) on the terminal server