
Close cycle refrigerators are really easy to use, as one does not need to deal with cryogens. However, all our present system have one drawback: The sample is mounted in vacuum, which leads to some uncertainity in the temperature, especially at temperatures below 20 K. For that reason, it is necessary to put even single crystals into a sealed sample container containing He gas. Some ideas what gradients can be expected can be taken from a CTI Test Report.

NameDescriptionTemperature Range
CCR2?Sumitomo CCR (FOCUS)4.5 ... 300 K
CCR2HT?Sumitomo CCR (FOCUS) with Hi-T stage30 ... 600 K
CCR3ARS, for use on euler cradle4.5 ... 325 K
CTI7? Standard CTI 15 ... 325 K
CTI7? CTI with hot stage 40 ... 470K

CCRs out of service