
General Callback Message Concept

A callback message has the form

  typedef struct {
    char *class;
    /* ... message data ... */
  } <message class>;
where class must be the first element and point to a static variable.

Given the following functions dealing with callbacks:

  typedef void KillFunc(void *);
  typedef int CallbackFunction(Hdb *node, void *msg, void *data);
  typedef struct Callback Callback;

  InvokeCallback(Hdb *node, void *msg);
  Callback *MakeCallback(CallbackFunction *cbFunc, void *data, KillFunc *killFunc);
  AppendCallback(Hdb *node, Callback *cb);
  PrependCallback(Hdb *node, Callback *cb);
The callbacks are stored as one list per node.

Extract from (sics)hipadaba.h:

  typedef struct {
    char *class;
    SConnection *pCon;
    ValueStruct *value;
  } SetCallbackMsg;

  SetCallbackMsg *SetCallbackCast(void *msg);

The members of callback message contain the additional arguments needed for the handling of the callback. SetCallbackCast reveals if an anonymous message is a SetCallbackMsg. It returns NULL otherwise.

Extract from (sics)hipadaba.c:

  static char *setCallbackClass="set callback";

  SetCallbackMsg *SetCallbackCast(void *msg) {
    if (((SetCallbackMsg *)msg)->class == setCallbackClass) {
      return msg;
    return NULL;


  /* calling the callback */

  SetCallbackMsg setMsg={setCallbackClass};
  setMsg.pCon = pCon;
  setMsg.value = value;
  InvokeCallback(node, &setMsg);

The text content of setCallbackClass is not very important, it may be used for logging purposes. The check for a particular class is done by comparing the pointers, not the contents.

Extract from a module implementing a callback:

  int MySetCallback(Hdb *node, void *msg, void *data) {
    SetCallbackMsg *setMsg = SetCallbackCast(msg);
    MyData *mydata;

    if (! setMsg) return 0; /* not handled */

    mydata = data;
    /* do the set */
    return 1;


  void KillMyData(MyData *data) {
    /* free resources */

  MyData *data;
  Callback *cb;

  cb = MakeCallback(MySetCallback, data, (KillFunc *)KillMyData);
  AppendCallback(node, cb);

An implementation may use the same callback function for handling different callback messages, with the same user data:

int CombinedCallback(Hdb *node, void *msg, void *data) {
  SetCallbackMsg *setMsg;
  UpdateCallbackMsg *updateMsg;
  MyData *mydata = data;

  setMsg = SetCallbackCast(msg);
  if (setMsg) {
    /* handle setMsg */
    return 1;
  updateMsg= UpdateCallbackCast(msg);
  if (updateMsg) {
    /* handle updateMsg */
    return 1;
  return 0; /* not handled */

For the implementation of Hipadaba at least the following callbacks have to be implemented: