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JSPWiki v2.0.52

This is version 77. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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<html> <script> // Due to security resrictions in the browser, the scripts will not // work immediately after changing the page // var cans = { "DIL3/DIL4": { MA02: {top: 366, bot: 354, base: 7, win: 38, winbase: 53, candia: 21, spacer: 22.6, dia: 21, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA6: {top: 366, bot: 311, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 52, candia: 23.4, spacer: 23.1, dia: 21, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA7: {top: 366, bot: 361, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 46, candia: 35.8, spacer: 35.6, dia: 32, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA10: {top: 605, bot: 0, base: 6, win: 0, winbase: 6, candia: "44?", spacer: 43.5, dia: 40, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA11: {top: 366, bot: 280, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 23, candia: 17.1, spacer: 17, dia: 14, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA15: {top: 366, bot: 280, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 23, candia: 17.1, spacer: 17, dia: 14, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, VARIOX: {top: 473, bot: 0, base: 8, win: 0, winbase: 8, candia: "44?", spacer: 43.5, dia: 40, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, }, "DIL2": { MA02: {top: 345, bot: 354, base: 7, win: 38, winbase: 53, candia: 21, spacer: 22.6, dia: 21, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA6: {top: 342, bot: 311, base: 7, win: 39, winbase: 52, candia: 23.4, spacer: 23.1, dia: 21, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA7: {top: 342, bot: 361, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 46, candia: 35.8, spacer: 35.6, dia: 32, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA10: {top: 605, bot: 0, base: 6, win: 0, winbase: 6, candia: "44?", spacer: 43.5, dia: 40, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA11: {top: 345, bot: 277, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 22, candia: 17.1, spacer: 17, dia: 14, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, MA15: {top: 345, bot: 277, base: 8, win: 39, winbase: 22, candia: 17.1, spacer: 17, dia: 14, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, VARIOX: {top: 473, bot: 0, base: 8, win: 0, winbase: 8, candia: "44?", spacer: 43.5, dia: 40, gapmin:3, gapmax:5}, }, } var dils = { "DIL3/DIL4": {sealmix: 311}, "DIL2": {sealmix: 290}, } var vtis = { MA02: {motor: 160, sample: 1245, edge: 968, vtibot: 1338}, MA6: {motor: 160, sample: 1309, edge: 1078, vtibot: 1389}, MA7: {motor: 160, sample: 1357, edge: 0, vtibot: 1426}, MA10: {motor: 160, sample: 1107, edge: 0, vtibot: 1222}, MA11: {motor: 160, sample: 1302, edge: 1080, vtibot: 1356}, MA15: {motor: 160, sample: 1294, edge: 1078, vtibot: 1433}, VARIOX: {motor: 0, sample: 1068, edge: 0, vtibot: 1138}, } </script> <style> table.graph td { border-spacing: 0px; } input { text-align: right; } .important { border-style:solid; border-color:#ff0; background-color:#fff; } .rel { position: relative; } .candia { position: absolute; top:550px; left:120px;} .extmax { position: absolute; top:600px; left:170px;}

</style> <script> var can; var vti; var dil;

var vtiselect = ""; var dilselect = "DIL3/DIL4"; var motor = 0;

function putout(name, value) { console.log(name); document.getElementById(name).innerHTML = value; }

function calc() { var edge = vti.edge; if (edge) { edge += motor; } var vtibot = vti.vtibot + motor; var sample = vti.sample + motor;

var bottom = + - dil.sealmix; var winmin = bottom + can.gapmax - can.winbase -; var winmax = bottom + can.gapmin - can.winbase; var center = (winmin + winmax) / 2; if (edge) { var minsam = + Math.max(-edge, - vtibot) + sample - dil.sealmix + can.gapmax; putout("edge", "<" + edge); } else { var minsam = bottom + sample - vtibot + can.gapmax; putout("edge", ""); } var extmax = bottom - can.base + can.gapmin; if ( > 0) { putout("winmin", ">" + winmin); putout("winmax", "<" + winmax); } else { putout("winmin", ""); putout("winmax", ""); } putout("sample", sample); putout("extmax", "<" + extmax); putout("vtibot", "<" + vtibot); putout("dia", "<" + can.dia);

if (motor > 0) { document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = dilselect + " in " + vtiselect + " with sample rotator"; } else { document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = dilselect + " in " + vtiselect + " without sample rotator"; } console.log("calc"); }

function setvti(name) { console.log(name); vtiselect = name; vti = vtisvtiselect?;

can = cansdilselect?name?; if (can) { for (var property in can) { console.log(property); document.getElementById(property).innerHTML = canproperty?; } } calc(); return; }

function setdil(name) { dilselect = name; dil = dilsdilselect?; console.log(dil); if (dil) { for (var property in dil) { console.log(property); document.getElementById(property).innerHTML = dilproperty?; } } if (vtiselect != "") { calc(); } } setTimeout(function() {setdil("DIL3/DIL4");}, 0); </script> <h1 id=title></h1> <form> <input type="radio" name=d onClick="setdil('DIL3/DIL4');" checked=true>DIL3/DIL4<br> <input type="radio" name=d onClick="setdil('DIL2');">DIL2<br><br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA02');">MA02<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA6');">MA6<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA7');">MA7<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA10');">MA10<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA11');">MA11<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('MA15');">MA15<br> <input type="radio" name=m onClick="setvti('VARIOX');">VARIOX<br> sample rotator<br>length: </form> <input type="text" id=motor value=0 size=4 onchange='calc();'> <br> </html> CalculatorForSampleMountingInDil/dil_stick_meas.svg


This particular version was published on 18-Sep-2018 09:51:45 UTC by MarkusZolliker.