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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 3 and version 2:
Lines 3-13 were replaced by lines 3-51
- ;FIx\\CLear: is there a SICS equivalent?
- ;DO: alias to __exe__
- ;DR: alias to __drive__
- ;FM,FZ: are they used ? -> use SICS features ?
- ;LI,LE,LL,LZ,LM,LS,LT: to be kept
- ;OUT: control output of supplementary variables on file an command history, should be kept
- ;PR: to be kept
- ;SE: to be kept
- ;SF: replaced by SICS fastscan
- ;SZ: to be kept
- ;SW: removed
+ Question: could some of these commands be removed ?
+ !FI (FIX)
+ without argument: show which motors are fixed\\
+ with arguments: motors to fix.
+ without argument: show which motors are fixed\\
+ {{CL ALL}}: clear all motors\\
+ with arguments: motors to unfix.
+ !DO
+ alias to __exe__
+ !DR
+ alias to __drive__
+ !LE
+ summarize q and energy infromation
+ !LZ, LL
+ summarize zero points and limits informaiton
+ !LM
+ summarize machine parameters
+ !LS
+ summarize sample information (the format may change due to the
+ ub matrix system)
+ !LT
+ show targets and positions
+ !LI
+ the same as LM, LS, LZ, LT, LE executed one after another
+ !OUT
+ set additional output variables to be printed into the data file
+ and on command history
+ print variable values.\\''remark: the values of sics objects may be
+ printed also by directly entering the name, but this does not
+ work for Lmm, Umm, Zmm, SS, SA, SM and FX (where mm is any motor)''
+ !SE (SET)
+ set variable values.\\''remark: the values of sics variables may be
+ set also by directly entering the name and the value, but this does not
+ work for Lmm, Umm, Zmm, SS, SA, SM and FX (where mm is any motor)''

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