Diff: ScriptContext

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 13 and version 12:
At line 24 added 18 lines.
+ {{{
+ controller std sendterminator=\r timeout=5
+ controllerDesc "LakeShore 336 controller"
+ prop startcmd "*IDN?"
+ obj LS336 -float rd
+ prop readcmd "KRDG?A"
+ prop readfmt "%g"
+ kids "LS336 settings" {
+ node set -float wr
+ prop readcmd "SETP?1"
+ prop readfmt "%g"
+ prop writecmd "SETP 1,%g"
+ }
+ }}}
Lines 28-45 were replaced by lines 46-66
- {{[controller|SeaController] std sendterminator=\r timeout=5
- \\[controllerDesc|SeaControllerDesc] "LakeShore 336 controller"
- \\prop [startcmd|SeaStdProp] "*IDN?"
- \\
- \\[obj|SeaObj] LS336 -float rd
- \\prop [readcmd|SeaStdProp] "KRDG?A"
- \\prop [readfmt|SeaStdProp] "%g"
- \\[kids|SeaKids] "LS336 settings" {
- \\ [node|SeaNode] set -float wr
- \\ prop [readcmd|SeaStdProp] "SETP?1"
- \\ prop [readfmt|SeaStdProp] "%g"
- \\ prop [writecmd|SeaStdProp] "SETP 1,%g"
- }
- }}
- The first command to be called is {{[controller|SeaController]}}:
- As terminator for commands CR is used, and a timeout of 5 sec is
- specified.
+ ''Explanation, line by line''
+ {{controller std sendterminator=\r timeout=5}}
+ The controller object is defined, specifying the characteristics
+ of the protocol.
+ {{controllerDesc "LakeShore 336 controller"}}
+ A description of the controller object.
+ {{prop startcmd "*IDN?"}}
+ The command prop creates a property to the last defined
+ node, which is in this case the controller node.
+ The property startcmd defines a command which is sent
+ after initialization. Ideally this is a command requesting
+ the instrument type, software version number and possibly
+ a serial number.
+ After an interruption of the connection, this command is sent
+ again in order to check that the device is still the same.
At line 46 added 1 line.
+ {{obj LS336 -float rd}}
At line 47 added 1 line.
+ This creates the object

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