Diff: ScriptContext

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 11 and version 10:
Lines 23-36 were replaced by line 23
- ''Example initializtion script''
- {{{
- controller std sendterminator=\r timeout=5
- controllerDesc "LakeShore 336 controller"
- prop startcmd "*IDN?"
- obj LS336 -float rd
- prop readcmd "KRDG?A"
- prop readfmt "%g"
- kids "LS336 settings" {
- node set -float wr
- prop readcmd "SETP?1"
- prop readfmt "%g"
- prop writecmd "SETP 1,%g"
+ ''Example of an initialization script''
At line 37 added 15 lines.
+ In this example no action scripts have to be defined,
+ only scripts from stdsct.tcl are used.
+ {{[controller|SeaController] std sendterminator=\r timeout=5
+ \\[controllerDesc|SeaControllerDesc] "LakeShore 336 controller"
+ \\prop [startcmd|SeaStdProp] "*IDN?"}}\\
+ \\
+ \\[obj|SeaObj] LS336 -float rd
+ \\prop [readcmd|SeaStdProp] "KRDG?A"
+ \\prop [readfmt|SeaStdProp] "%g"
+ \\[kids|SeaKids] "LS336 settings" {
+ \\ [node|SeaNode] set -float wr
+ \\ prop [readcmd|SeaStdProp] "SETP?1"
+ \\ prop [readfmt|SeaStdProp] "%g"
+ \\ prop [writecmd|SeaStdProp] "SETP 1,%g"
Line 39 was replaced by line 41
- }}}
+ }}

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