Diff: SICSlog

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 66 lines.
+ !!! SICS Log Files and Tracing
+ !! SICS Log Files
+ In the instrument account, there is a log directory. To this directory, the SICS server
+ automatically writes an automatic log file. These log files contain all commands executed with
+ either user or managers privilege. They thus allow to figure out what is going on at the instrument.
+ It is always a good idea to look into the log files when a problem is reported: the statements
+ of the scientists often are misleading or wrong.
+ The log files follow a naming convention. It is autoYYYY-MM-dd@HH-MM.log. Where YYYY is for the year,
+ MM for the months, DD for the day, HH for the hour and MM for the minute. Normally, there is only one
+ log file per day. But when SICS gets restarted, a new log file is generated. In order to use those log files,
+ do this:
+ # Extract from the scientists the date and time the problem happened
+ # cd into the log directory
+ # With ls autoYYY-MM-DD*.log figure out which log files were written that day. Replace placedolders as
+ required: for example auto2014-07-9*.log to show all log files july, 9 in 2014.
+ # Open the relevant log file
+ # The log file contains time stamps, use these and the file writing times to navigate to the interesting
+ section of the log file
+ # Look for interesting information and error messages
+ !! Tracing
+ For the really hard problems, log files are not enough. This is why there is a tracing facility in SICS.
+ Trace files contain everything interesting SICS does: communication with hardware, device start/stop messages,
+ performance measurements, I/O, you name it. Not surprisingly, trace files can become quite large. This is why
+ tracing is off by default. From a SICS command line, tracing can be controlled via the following commands:
+ ;trace log: shows if tracing is on or off
+ ;trace log filename: Starts writing a trace file into the filename given as a parameter
+ ;trace log close: switches tracing off again.
+ ! Analysing Trace Files
+ Obviously, analysing trace files depends on the problem at hand. Thus only some general information about
+ trace files can be given. A trace file starts with a dump of all parameters known to SICS. This is followed
+ by the real trace entries. A trace entry looks like this:
+ {{{
+ io:countersct:1404857127.006489:send:RS
+ }}}
+ This is subsystem specifier:name of component: time stamp: component specific data. For the example this means:
+ io is the subsystem, countersct is the name, 1404857127.006489 is the time stamp, send:RS is the component
+ specific data. The time stamp is unix time in seconds, after the comma is the base 10 converted
+ sub second resolution.
+ Known sub systems include:
+ ;io: For input/output
+ ;par: for parameter changes
+ ;com: for client communication
+ ;sys: system messages
+ ;dev: device messages, mostly start and stop of devices
+ Any 10 minutes there are sys:TIMESTAMP message with time in easily human readable format. Search for these
+ when it is known when something interesting has happened.
+ For everything else, grep is your friend for extracting the I/O to a certain device etc.
+ The detailed timestamps give an information about response times which can be interesting when hardware
+ is supected of being slow.

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