Diff: SICSdebug

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 21 lines.
+ !!! Debugging SICS at the Instrument
+ When you are here, you wish to debug the SICS C-code at the instrument. Look at core files,
+ run gdb and such. This works like this:
+ # Login to the instrument account
+ # cd into inst_sics
+ # monit stop sicsserver, to stop the sicsserver
+ # Get an AFS token with klog yourusername
+ # To look at core files: ../sicscommon/debsics core.xxxxx where xxx is the number of the core file
+ # To debug SICS: ../sicscommon/debsics
+ # Set your breakpoints or whatever
+ # Within gdb run: run inst.tcl
+ The background is that debsics sets directory paths such that gdb can find source files. This currently
+ points to /afs/psi.ch/project/sinqdev/mksics. This assumes that with your AFS user name you at least
+ have read rights there.
+ If this does not suit you, make your own version of debsics using the supplied version as a template.

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