Diff: SICSDevice

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 93 lines.
+ !!! Some Hardware does not Work
+ Obviously there are limits what can be done with software about this. Rather sooner then later help from
+ the electronics group will be needed. But we can try to diagnose the problem and solve the stupid things.
+ !! Symptom No connection to a Device
+ You find, during debugging startup or else that there is no communication with a device. There are
+ some things which can be done about this.
+ !! Solution
+ The first thing to ask is: is it actually configured? Many instrument have optional hardware. Such options are enabled
+ by setting flags in the inst.tcl file. Thus, if the device is optional, check for the state of the applicable flag
+ in inst.tcl.
+ If this is not the case you need to figure out which controller the device actually is associated with. I assume that
+ you know the name of the non working device in SICS.
+ # Login to the instrument account and cd into the inst_sics directory if you are not already there.
+ # Open the inst.tcl file and search for the initialisation of the device by searching for the device name.
+ You will often find two: one for simulation and a real one. The simulation ones are those with the string Sim
+ in the ceation command.
+ # For counters and stuff alread the creation command will contain a string of the form hostname:port. For example,
+ dmc-ts:3002. Take note of that string.
+ # For motors the creation command often states a controller name and a number on the controller. Then try to locate the
+ creation command of the controller. Again take note of the host:port string.
+ Now, how to proceed with this information?
+ # Return to the unix prompt on the instrument computer
+ # Try pinging the host: ping hostname, for example ping dmc-ts
+ # After a little while this should start printing lines of the form: 64 bytes from dmc-ts ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.449 ms. This means that the host is OK.
+ # If this does not come and after exiting ping with CTRL-C a message with 100% packet lost comes, then the host is not
+ switched on or not plugged into the network. Sort that one out, then.
+ A common occurrence with histogram memories is that the VME crate holding the HM computer is down. Locate the
+ VME crate and look at it: the symptom will be that the red large digit does not show 5 Volt as it should and or
+ a LED indication a fan error or something like this is lit on the VME crate. Also all lights on the HM computer
+ are off. Then ask Roman Buerge to fix the crate.
+ With the old hardware, recognisable by the strings el737 or el734 occurring in the creation commands, there is
+ another thing to be tried.
+ # From the unix prompt do: telnet hostname portnumber, for example telnet dmc-ts 3002
+ # Then type ID
+ # If all is well, there will be a message containing EL734 motor controller, EL737 counter box or so
+ # If the box is in local mode, the answer will be ?1. This can be sorted by giving the command RMT 1 multiple
+ times
+ # If there is no response at all, the controller is dead or not connected to the terminal server. Sort this one out then.
+ # If the controller is a motor controller and the reponse is *ES, then the emergency stop is engaged. See below what to
+ do.
+ !! Motor not working
+ The motor is connected to SICS (has sensible hardware limits) but malfunctions.
+ !! Solutions
+ When a message containing the string emergency stop appears and the motor controller does not show positions
+ any more but the string *ES, then the emergency stop is engaged. In the experimental area and sometimes in the
+ cabins, there are emergency stop buttons for motors. These need to be released if they accidentally or purposefully have
+ been activated. Releasing them means turning them a little. If you are sure that you have released ALL emergency
+ stops and the condition persists, then something is wrong with buttons themselves and an electronics person is
+ needed to fix it.
+ When the motor is a second generation motor and brings such message as: command not found and the controller
+ shows a red display, then the motor had an error. If the electronics group is around, tell them. They __want__
+ to be informed. If not, power cycling the motor controller might help.
+ When there are a number of Restarting messages before the motor gives up then two possibilities exist:
+ # The difference reported in the Restarting message is small: then the precision parameter of the motor may
+ need adjustment. In SICS: motorname precision value. The value should be a little larger then the
+ difference reported in the Restarting message
+ # When the differences are big then the motor cannot start for some mechanical of electrical reason. Check if there
+ is something in the path of the motor, and if so, remove it. Else call electronics.
+ When there is a message saying: !!! MOTOR ALARM !!!, then the motor has mispositioned for 5 consecutive times.
+ It then assumes that something is seriously wrong and stops the batch file. This could be a consequence of
+ the Restarting message described above. If so proceed as described above. Otherwise this indicates a mechanical
+ or electrical problem: call electronics. If you are really, really, really, really sure that the condition is harmless
+ then you can issue the command in SICS: motorname ingnorefault 1. This will suppress this error. Do this only when
+ you are 100% sure that your are not breaking things.
+ Else there is a driver problem or softare problem and you need to debug.

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