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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 13 and version 4:
At line 2 added 12 lines.
+ * new commands \\
+ {{ cvu}} compares sea installation with repository \\
+ Usage:\\
+ {{ cvu u }} update scripts from repository\\
+ {{ cvu f }} full update including SeaServer, restart sea\\
+ {{ cvu }} show scripts needing updates / commits\\
+ reload (from within seaclient) loads all driver and startup scripts that where modified
Lines 6-7 were replaced by line 18
- reload_sea (laed neuste sea version und startet sea_server neu)\\
- reload_tecs (laed neuste sea version und startet tecs_server neu)
+ reload_sea (laed neuste sea version und startet sea_server neu)
At line 8 added 2 lines.
+ !!Distribute SEA config files on the instruments
At line 9 added 1 line.
+ The necessary files for the SEA server are stored in a cvs.
Line 11 was replaced by lines 25-66
- !Bugs
+ For access to the cvs, one has to login to afs:
+ {{{
+ klog <user>
+ Password: <windows/mail password>
+ }}}
+ !Putting a new file into the cvs:
+ {{{
+ cvs add <file>
+ cvs commit <file>
+ }}}
+ !Putting a modified file into the cvs
+ if the file-name is omitted, all changed files are affected
+ {{{
+ cvs commit <file>
+ }}}
+ An editor opens where you can give an comment (for the config
+ files, we user rarely a comment, but at least one character should be entered).
+ !Update files from the CVS
+ {{{
+ cvs update <file>
+ }}}
+ Sometimes there is a warning due to a conflict, which should
+ be resolved by editing the affected file. If the filename is
+ omitted, all files in the current directory and in its
+ subdirectories are updated.
+ {{{
+ cvs checkout sea
+ }}}
+ started from user directory to update all files and directories (including NEW FILES and NEW DIRECTORIES)
+ !!redefine tsample channel
+ {{{
+ hsetprop /tt getsample hval /tt/ts_2
+ }}}
+ sets tt ts_2 as tsample channel (can be used for the HV stick to run double control on ts_2)\\
+ {{{
+ hsetprop /tt getsample hval /tt/ts
+ }}}
+ sets it back
Removed lines 13-17
- * 2.7.2012 automatische Deviceauswahl im tecsserver funktioniert nicht immer\\
- Fehlermeldung: Lakeshore 340: no device selected\\
- Fix : tt device <devicename> # setzt den device-Namen manuell
- * 6.7.2012 wenn eine Fehlermeldung betreffend device tecs_device0 auftaucht \\
- device makeitem tecs_device0
Line 19 was replaced by lines 69-83
+ !! forcing the right port for the control object
+ {{{
+ _tbath hostport
+ }}}
+ ldmlab1-ts:3004
+ {{{
+ _tbath reconnect ldmse3-ts:3004
+ }}}
+ action {read}: success after error message (/tbath)
+ _stdSct::update_ no response (reading state) on ldmlab1-ts:3004

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