Diff: PageInfoLinkTag

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 21 lines.
+ Creates an page info link to a [WikiPage].
+ Why would you use this instead of a standard anchor? The PageInfoLinkTag automatically adds things like the correct class information (for styles), the jspwiki.baseURL property, etc.
+ ----
+ !Usage
+ <wiki:PageInfoLink page="<page name>" format="anchor|url">
+ ;:''Link text''
+ </wiki:PageInfoLink>
+ !Parameters
+ ;__page__: Page name to link to. If not set, uses the current page.
+ ;__format__: If "anchor", creates the full hyperlink (<a href="...">link text</a>); if "url", outputs only the URL. Default is to output the entire anchor.
+ !Example
+ {{{
+ <wiki:PageInfoLink>See page history</wiki:PageInfoLink>.
+ }}}

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