Diff: MA7OriginalData

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 9 and version 3:
Lines 2-7 were replaced by lines 2-11
- ||a2 [[deg] || distance [[mm] ||field [[Tesla] || force [[N] || extrapolated field [[Tesla] for 500 N || allowed field with security margin || vertical force [[N]
- | 56 | 540 | 4.8 | 230 | 6.8 | 5.5
- | 56 | 450 | 3.4 | 180 | 5.5 | 4.4
- | 37 | 450 | 3.4 | 220 | 5 | 4
- | 74 | 700 | 5.0 | | | | 100 | August 2011
+ ||a2 [[deg] || distance [[mm] ||field [[Tesla] || force [[N] || extrapolated field\\[[Tesla] for 500 N || allowed field\\with security margin || vertical force [[N] || date
+ | 56 | 540 | 4.8 | 230 | 6.8 | 5.5 | | Dec 2010
+ | 56 | 450 | 3.4 | 180 | 5.5 | 4.4 | |
+ | 37 | 450 | 3.4 | 220 | 5 | 4 | |
+ | 74 | 700 | 5.0 | 90 | | | 120 | August 2011
+ | 56 | 700 | 5.0 | 150 | | | 100 |
+ | 56 | 700 | 6.8 | 290 | | 6.8 | 200 |
+ | 43 | 680 | 3.4 | 90 | | | 40 |
+ | 43 | 680 | 4.8 | 160 | | | |
+ | 43 | 680 | 6.2 | 210 | | 6.8 | 160 |

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