Diff: JSPWikiTips

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 72 lines.
+ !!Editing the menu on the left hand side
+ The menu on the left hand side (over there <--) is just a standard Wiki page, called [LeftMenu].
+ If you (the administrator) don't want anyone else to modify it, you can always edit [LeftMenu], then make the page read-only on the hard drive itself ;-).
+ The lower part of the left hand side is similarly called [LeftMenuFooter], and it is fully editable as well.
+ !!Editing pages directly
+ By setting up an InterWiki link called "Edit" in {{jspwiki.properties}} you can make direct edit links. For example, this link here (assuming you're using the default configuration from the JSPWiki archive), will take you
+ to the edit mode of this page: [Edit:JSPWikiTips].
+ The magical incantation in the {{jspwiki.properties}} file is:
+ {{{
+ jspwiki.interWikiRef.Edit = Edit.jsp?page=%s
+ }}}
+ !!How do I enable the [RSS|http://blogspace.com/rss/] feed?
+ In your jspwiki.properties -file, you'll need to set the "jspwiki.rss.generate" to "true", and also set the "jspwiki.baseURL" to point at your Wiki. Otherwise the RSS generator can't figure out how its links should go... :-)
+ !!I don't like ThingsSquashedTogether in the page titles. What can I do?
+ As Finns say, "voe tokkiinsa", meaning "yes, of course". Just set the "jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces" property to "true" in your jspwiki.properties-file.
+ !!Bookmarklets
+ Bookmarlets are tiny javascript programs stored in a url. (more [here|http://www.bookmarklets.com/tools/categor.html])
+ They either live
+ * in your browser link toolbar, or
+ * in html pages.
+ To use bookmarklets in jspwiki pages, you first need to add a javascript interWikiRef in ''jspwiki.properties'':
+ {{{
+ # javascript, for bookmarklets
+ jspwiki.interWikiRef.javascript= javascript:%s
+ }}}
+ You can now start inserting bookmarklets into your page :
+ !Ex 1 : search in this JSPWiki
+ {{{
+ [search here for...|javascript:location.href='http:Search.jsp?query='+
+ escape(prompt('search for..',''))+'&ok=Find%21']
+ }}}
+ !Ex 2 : Calculator
+ {{{
+ [calculator|javascript:expr=prompt('Formula...(eg: 2*3)','');if(expr){with(Math){evl=parseFloat(eval(expr))};
+ if(isNaN(evl)){alert('Not a number!')}else{void(prompt('Result:',evl))}}else{void(null)}]
+ }}}
+ (Everything on one line, of course).
+ List of [supported functions|http://www.bookmarklets.com/tools/convert/calcFuncts.html]
+ !Ex 3 : is the current page url already stored in the JSPWiki?
+ Adapt (for ''your'' wiki) this url, and store it in a new url, in your browser toolbar.
+ {{{
+ javascript:location.href='http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki207/Search.jsp?query='
+ +escape(location.href)+'&ok=Find%21'
+ }}}
+ ''Contributed by Alain Ravet.''
+ !!I have a question you have not answered!
+ Well, the easiest thing to do is go directly to the [JSPWiki main site|JSPWiki:Main] and ask your question there. Or you could also [email me|About], but it's better for all if you go and publicly post your query. It does not hurt to take a peek at JSPWiki site anyway, since your question might already be answered there...

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