Diff: Frappy

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 23 and version 2:
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- [SEA] is getting outdated sooner or later, and is based on SICS, that is why the transition from SICS to NICOS is a good trigger
- to go also for a new sample environment framework Frappy. Frappy is a Python Framework ... using [SECoP] as communication
+ [SEA|Sea] is getting outdated sooner or later, and is based on SICS, that is why the transition from SICS to NICOS is a good trigger
+ to go also for a new sample environment framework Frappy. Frappy is a Python Framework developed by Enrico Faulhaber (MLZ) and Markus
+ Zolliker (PSI), for creating servers to access mobile equipment like
+ sample environment, using [SECoP|https://github.com/SampleEnvironment/SECoP] as communication
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- For a transition period [SEA] is still used for all devices not yet migrated to Frappy. Today (spring 2021) still most
+ For a transition period [SEA|Sea] is still used for all devices not yet migrated to Frappy. Today (spring 2022) still most
Line 10 was replaced by line 12
- !! Frappy
+ !! Instruments using NICOS and Sample Environment
At line 11 added 1 line.
+ Currently (April 2022), the following instruments running NICOS are supported to access sample environment:
At line 12 added 1 line.
At line 13 added 2 lines.
+ Some of the features described here might not yet be up to date on your instrument,
+ please contact [Markus Zolliker], if you want to use sample environment with NICOS, and things are not working as expected.
Removed line 15
- !! Setup at SINQ
At line 16 added 1 line.
+ !! Accessing Sample Environment at SINQ from NICOS
At line 17 added 1 line.
+ By default a setup 'frappy' is loaded providing the following commands:\\
At line 18 added 9 lines.
+ {{{
+ frappy('<main cfg>') # change main SE configuration (e.g. cryostat)
+ frappy('<main cfg>', '<stick cfg>') # change main and sample-stick configuration
+ frappy(stick='<stick cfg>') # change stick only
+ frappy('') # remove main SE apparatus including stick
+ frappy() # show the current SE configuration
+ frappy(addons=...) # similar to above, for additional equipment not covered by main/stick
+ frappy_list() # list available configurations
+ }}}
At line 19 added 1 line.
+ ''note: use {{AddSetup('frappy')}} if the setup is not yet loaded''
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+ !! Test integration of SE into NICOS
At line 23 added 3 lines.
+ For testing there are 2 simulated main devices 'cryosim' and 'magsim' available. Please check with them if
+ temperatures and magnetic field values are saved in your datafile, and other things like temperature or
+ magnetic field scans.
At line 24 added 67 lines.
+ !! Frequently Asked Questions
+ ! Are values of sample environment devices automatically stored in the data file?
+ When the SE configuration is changed, automatically the following aliases are created,
+ if the corresponding object is available:
+ * __T__: the moveable main temperature, change before a scan: {{maw(T, 295)}}, use in a scan: {{scan(T, ...)}}
+ * __Ts__: the sample temperature, potentially readonly
+ * __Tr__: the regulation temperature (e.g. VTI), readonly
+ * __B__: the magnetic field, moveable
+ The aliases above (except T) are automatically put into the envrionment list, and should be saved in the data file.
+ Typically, either T and Tr or T and Ts point to the same real device.
+ You might add additional devices to be stored with the {{AddEnvironment}} command.
+ ! There is nothing displayed on the SEA client, what is going wrong here?
+ It might be that the SEA server is not yet running. On the instruments mentioned above, the SEA server is no longer
+ controlled by monit. Controlling the SEA and Frappy servers:
+ {{{
+ sea start # start the SEA and graph servers
+ sea restart # restart above
+ sea list # show running SEA and Frappy servers
+ sea help # list available sea subcommands
+ }}}
+ ! The sample environment device I want to use is not available
+ Please use the command {{frappy_list()}} in NICOS to see a list of available configurations.
+ Creating the configuration files for Frappy is still under work. The devices to be used on above mentioned
+ instruments according to the schedule are created first. Please contact [Markus Zolliker], if you want to use
+ a device not yet on the list.
+ ! How to Restart a Frappy server
+ If a sample environment device is not working properly, for example due to communication
+ problems, it might be helpful to stop and restart the frappy server:
+ {{{
+ frappy('') # stop main and stick frappy servers
+ frappy('<main cfg>', '<stick cfg>') # start main and stick frappy servers
+ }}}
+ If the problem is related to a device on the stick or addons, you will need the commands frappy_stick or frappy_addons.
+ ! How do I configure to use the sample stick rotation instead of the sample table for omega?
+ With vertical field cryomagnets, typically the stick rotation should be used instead of the
+ standard sample table for omega. In this case (currently configured on ZEBRA and TASP),
+ the frappy_main setups should contain a device __se_om__ for the stick rotation. This is
+ automatically assigned to the device used for omega.
+ ||Instrument || name of omega || name of sample table
+ |ZEBRA | om | om_raw
+ |TASP | a3 | a3_st
+ |CAMEA | a3 | som
+ On horizontal field magnets, the stick rotation is called __om_stick__, and is
+ not automatically assigned to omega. In both cases, an alias __dom__ is assigned to
+ either __se_om__ or __se_stickrot__, whatever is present.
+ To change this behaviour, it is possible to assign another device to the alias, e.g.
+ {{om.alias = se_stickrot}}

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