Diff: EaseParametersAndCommands

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 3 and version 2:
Lines 3-17 were replaced by lines 3-14
- Commands are marked with c in the second column, read-only parameters with r,
- writeable parameters with w.
- ||Subcommand or\\Parameter|| ||Description ||Defined by
- |list |c|make a list of most important parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParTail and not ParList, or with a call to ParList(NULL)|pardef
- |list all |c|make a full list of all parameters |pardef
- |list <group> |c|make a list of only a group of parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParList("<group>") )|pardef
- |log <par> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par> (on for parameters defined without an explicit call to ParSwitch(NULL) )|pardef
- |log <par> <sugar> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par>, giving a sugar name (see [SicsStrObjSugar])|pardef
- |unlog <par> |c|switch the logger off for parameter <par>|pardef
- |sugar |c|return a list of sugar parameters |pardef
- |save <par> |c|switch on status file saving for parameter <par> (on for changeable parameters, or explicitley when defined with a call to ParSave |pardef
- |unsave <par> |c|switch off status file saving for parameter <par>|pardef
- |interest |c|switch interest callback on (every change will be notified to the executive client)|pardef
- |uninterest |c|switch interest callback off |pardef
+ ||Subcommand or\\Parameter||[1]||Description ||Defined by[2]
+ |list |c|make a list of most important parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParTail and not ParList, or with a call to ParList(NULL)|std
+ |list all |c|make a full list of all parameters |std
+ |list <group> |c|make a list of only a group of parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParList("<group>") )|std
+ |log <par> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par> (on for parameters defined without an explicit call to ParSwitch(NULL) )|std
+ |log <par> <sugar> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par>, giving a sugar name (see [SicsStrObjSugar])|std
+ |unlog <par> |c|switch the logger off for parameter <par>|std
+ |sugar |c|return a list of sugar parameters |std
+ |save <par> |c|switch on status file saving for parameter <par> (on for changeable parameters, or explicitley when defined with a call to ParSave |std
+ |unsave <par> |c|switch off status file saving for parameter <par>|std
+ |interest |c|switch interest callback on (every change will be notified to the executive client)|std
+ |uninterest |c|switch interest callback off |std
At line 28 added 6 lines.
+ [#1] c: command, r: read-only parameters, w: writeable parameter
+ [#2] std: defined for all classes based on pardef\\
+ else: defined for drivers configured for it, by means of a call to the
+ mentioned function in its parameter definition function.

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