Diff: EaseParametersAndCommands

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between version 26 and version 18:
Line 1 was replaced by line 1
- !Common Parameters and Subcommands for all EASE Objects
+ !Common Parameters and Subcommands for EASE Objects
Lines 3-26 were replaced by lines 3-5
- ||Subcommand or\\Parameter||[1]||Description ||Defined by[2]
- |list |c|make a list of most important parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParTail and not ParList, or with a call to ParList(NULL)|
- |list all |c|make a full list of all parameters|
- |list <group> |c|make a list of only a group of parameters (all parameters defined with a call to ParList("<group>") )|
- |log <par> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par> (on for parameters defined without an explicit call to ParSwitch(NULL) )|
- |log <par> <sugar> |c|switch the logger on for parameter <par>, giving a sugar name (see [SicsSugar])|
- |unlog <par> |c|switch the logger off for parameter <par>|
- |sugar |c|return a list of sugar parameters|
- |save <par> |c|switch on status file saving for parameter <par> (on for changeable parameters, or explicitley when defined with a call to ParSave |
- |unsave <par> |c|switch off status file saving for parameter <par>|
- |interest |c|switch interest callback on (every change will be notified to the executive client)|
- |uninterest |c|switch interest callback off|
- |verbose |w|verbosity. 0 is quiet, 1 is standard, 2 is verbose (logging all serial communication)|ParStdDef
- |driver |r|driver name |ParStdDef
- |creationCmd |r|command to create this object |ParStdDef
- |restart |c|reconnect serial connection |EaseBasePar
- |send <command> |c|send a serial command. Warning: the resonse is delayed and can therefore not be used in scripts.|EaseSendPar
- |upperLimit |w|upper limit of target value |EaseDrivPar
- |lowerLimit |w|lower limit of target value |EaseDrivPar
- |tolerance |w|tolerance |EaseDrivPar
- |maxwait |w|maximal time to wait for target value (sec) or 0 for infinite wait |EaseDrivPar
- |settle |w|time to wait after target value is within tolerance|EaseDrivPar
- |targetValue |r|target value |EaseDrivPar
- |status |r|connection status of the device (empty when normal)|EaseMsgPar
+ {{(c)}}: command\\
+ {{(r)}}: read-only parameters\\
+ {{(w)}}: writeable parameter. The value has to be added to the command.
Lines 28-29 were replaced by lines 7-80
- ;[1|#1] 2nd column: c: command, r: read-only parameters, w: writeable parameter
- ;[2|#2] last column: a function name means, that this parameter/subcommand is defined for drivers configured for it (calling the mentioned function in its parameter definition function). No entry means, that the subcommands is available in all classes based on pardef.
+ {{{
+ Command Syntax Description
+ }}}
+ ''Standard commands defined for all objects based on pardef''
+ {{{
+ <obj> list (c) make a list of most important parameters. listed
+ are all parameters defined with a call to ParTail
+ and not ParList, or with a call to ParList(NULL)
+ <obj> list all (c) make a full list of all parameters
+ <obj> list <group> (c) make a list of only a group of parameters. listed
+ are all parameters defined with a call to
+ ParList("<group>")
+ <obj> log <par> (c) switch the logger on for parameter <par>. logging
+ is on by default, off when defined without an
+ explicit call to ParSwitch(NULL)
+ <obj> log <par> <sugar> (c) switch the logger on for parameter <par>, giving
+ a sugar name (see [SicsSugar])
+ <obj> unlog <par> (c) switch the logger off for parameter <par>
+ <obj> sugar (c) return a list of sugar parameters
+ <obj> save <par> (c) switch on status file saving for parameter <par>
+ is on by default for changeable parameters, or
+ when explicitley defined with a call to ParSave
+ <obj> unsave <par> (c) switch off status file saving for parameter <par>
+ <obj> interest (c) switch interest callback on. every change will
+ be notified to the calling client
+ <obj> uninterest (c) switch interest callback off
+ }}}
+ ''Parameters defined in ParStdDef''
+ {{{
+ <obj> verbose (w) verbosity. 0 is quiet, 1 is standard
+ 2 is verbose (logging all serial communication)
+ <obj> driver (r) driver name
+ <obj> creationCmd (r) command to create this object
+ }}}
+ ''Parameter defined by EaseBasePar''
+ {{{
+ <obj> restart (c) reconnect serial connection
+ }}}
+ ''Parameter defined by EaseSendPar''
+ {{{
+ <obj> send <command> (c) send a serial command. Warning: the response is
+ delayed and can therefore not be used in scripts.
+ }}}
+ ''Parameters defined by EaseDrivPar''
+ {{{
+ <obj> upperLimit (w) upper limit of target value
+ <obj> lowerLimit (w) lower limit of target value
+ <obj> tolerance (w) tolerance
+ <obj> maxwait (w) maximal time to wait for target value (sec)
+ or 0 for infinite wait
+ <obj> settle (w) time to wait after target value is within tolerance
+ <obj> targetValue (r) target value
+ }}}
+ ''Parameter defined by EaseMsgPar''
+ {{{
+ <obj> status (r) connection status of the device (empty when normal)
+ }}}

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