Diff: BreadcrumbsTag

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JSPWiki v2.0.52

Difference between current version and current version:
At line 0 added 25 lines.
+ This tag allows you insert a "trace" of the user's most recently visited pages on the Wiki.
+ It requires cookies to function correctly. If the user has disabled cookies, no trail is generated.
+ This tag has been contributed by Ken Liu (ken at kenliu.net).
+ ----
+ !Usage
+ <wiki:Breadcrumbs maxpages="<integer>" separator="<string>" />
+ !Parameters
+ ;__maxpages__: How many pages should we track? Default is 10 most recent pages.
+ ;__separator__: HTML snippet for what should be between the listed pages. Default is " | ".
+ !Example
+ {{{
+ Your trail: <wiki:Breadcrumbs />
+ }}}
+ !Known bugs
+ Separator does not clean the HTML it is given - it is thus a security hazard.

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