TOPSI Command Summary

Most Used Commands

drive mot1 NewVal mot2 NewVal ....
Drives motors. Followed by pairs of motor names and new values.
scan clear
Clears current scan parameters.
scan list
lists current scan parameters.
scan var name start step
Defines a variable (motor) to be scanned. The name of the variable, a start value and a stpe width need to be given. More then one scan variable can be specified.
scan np num
Sets the number of scan points.
scan preset val
Sets the Preset value for the scan. Without a parameter, inquires the current value.
scan mode val
Sets the count mode for the scan. Without a parameter, inquires the current value. Possible values are Timer or Monitor.
scan run
Executes the scan.
cscan var center delta np preset
does a scan center scan for variable var around center. delta is the step width to use, np is the number of points to collect at each side, preset is the preset to use.
sscan var1 start end var2 start end .... np preset
simplified scan command. Scans variables var1, var2 .. from the respective start values to the end values. Using np points and a preset of preset.
FileEval filename
Runs the batch file specified as argument filename.


drive mot1 NewVal mot2 NewVal ....
Drives motors. Followed by pairs of motor names and new values.
run mot1 NewVal mot2 NewVal ....
Runs motors.
Known motors are: OmegaA, A1, TwoThetaM, A2, MonoX, MonoY, MonoChi, MonoPhi, CurveM, Table, A3, TwoThetaD, A4.


counter SetMode mode
Sets the mode of the counter. Possible parameters for mode are Timer and Preset.
counter GetMode
Prints the current counting mode of the counter.
counter SetPreset val
Sets a new preset for the counter
counter GetPreset
Prints the current value of preset.
counter SetExponent val
Sets a new expoenent for the preset in monitor mode.
counter GetExponent
Prints the current value of exponent.
counter Count preset
Starts counting with the preset value specified.
counter GetCounts
Inquires the last counts measured.
counter GetMonitor n
Gets the last value measured in monitor n.


scan clear
Clears current scan parameters.
scan list
lists current scan parameters.
scan var name start step
Defines a variable (motor) to be scanned. The name of the variable, a start value and a stpe width need to be given. More then one scan variable can be specified.
scan NP num
Sets the number of scan points.
scan Preset val
Sets the Preset value for the scan. Without a parameter, inquires the current value.
scan Mode val
Sets the count mode for the scan. Without a parameter, inquires the current value. Possible values are Timer or Monitor.
scan run
Executes the scan.
cscan var center delta np preset
does a scan center scan for variable var around center. delta is the step width to use, np is the number of points to collect at each side, preset is the preset to use.
sscan var1 start end var2 start end .... np preset
simplified scan command. Scans variables var1, var2 .. from the respective start values to the end values. Using np points and a preset of preset.


Buf new name
New buffer name
Buf copy name1 name2
copies buffers.
Buf del name
deletes buffer.
Buffers created with Buf new name are installed as command name and understand:
NAME append bla bla .......
Append text to buffer
NAME del iLine
Deletes line.
NAME ins iLine bla bla ....
Inserts text after line.
NAME print
prints contents of buffer to screen.
NAME save file
Saves buffer to file.
NAME read file
Read buffer contents from file.
NAME run
Executes contents of buffer.
There can be a stack of Rünbuffers.
RuLi add buffer
Adds an buffer to the stack.
RuLi list
Lists the stack.
RuLi del line
Deletetes buffer from stack.
RuLi ins iLine name
Inserts name after iLine.
RuLi run
Executes Stack.
RuLi batch
Executes stack permanently. New buffers may be added.

General commands

wait for the last operation to finish.
wait time
wait for time to pass....
lists all objects in the system.
config Rights username password
changes authorisation to that of the user identified by username, password.
FileEval filename
executes batch file filename.


LogBook file name
sets log file name
LogBook on
switches logging on
LogBook off
closes LogBook
lists current logging status


Each variable can be inquired by just typing its name. It can be set by typing the name followed by the new value. Currently available variables are: