Special SANS commandos

This section describes some commands special to SANS. One feature of SANS is that components are used as a whole rather than referring to single motors. For SANS the beamstop, the detector and the sample table are managed like this. Within a component each axis can be addressed specificaly by using an axis = value pair. Axis defined for each component will be listed below. Additionally these components support a common commands as well. These mainly deal with named positions. A named position is a set of values which can be driven to by just specifying its name. For instance: BeamStop PositionA drives the BeamStop to the position defined as PositionA. All component drive commands do not block, i.e. you can type further commands. If it is needed to wait for a component to arrive, use the Success command right after your command.

Commands supported by all components

In the following the name of the component will be represented by COP.

The name of the component alone will yield a listing of the current position of the component. This is also a way how to find out which axis the component supports.
COP back
drives the component back to the position before the last command. Please note, that back does not operate on istself, i.e. two times COP back will not do a trick.
COP pos name
This command promotes the current position of the component to a named position name. Afterwards this position can be reached by typing: COP name.
COP defpos name mot val mot val ....
this command defines a named position named name. This must be followed by a list of motor alias names to run and their values.
COP drop name
deletes the named position specified as second parameter.
COP axis = val axis = val ........
drives the component to the new position specified by 1-n sets of axis name = value pairs. The axis refer to the internal axis of the component which are listed below or can be seen in a listing as created by typing COP.

Specific components

This section lists the components which follow the component syntax described above. Furthermore the axis available for each component are listed. Each component has two names: a long one and a short one given in parantheses.

BeamStop (bs)
The beam stop in front of the detector. Supports tow axis: The beam stop has additional command assoicated with it:
detector (dt)
moves the detector around. The following axis are available:
sample (sa)
the sample table. Support the axis:

The Shutter

Even the shutter can be opnend from within SICS. Please note, that this will only work if the LBC says it is OK, i.e. the enclosure is locked.

Usage examples

bs X = 12. Y 200
moves the beam stop to 12 horizontal position, Y vertical position.
drives the beam stop to the previously defined position out.
drives the beam stop to the position before the preceeding command.