NOBUGS 2004 Conference

New Opportunities for Better User Group Software

October, 18-20, 2004 at PSI, Switzerland

Abstract Submitted for NOBUGS2004

PyMCA: X-Ray Spectra Visualisation and Analysis in Python

V.A. Sole, E. Papillon

PyMCA implements most of the needs for data visualisation and analysis of x-ray spectra. The code can be used as a visualisation tool as well as a full featured data analysis program. Spectrum analysis can be performed in a simple mode with authomatic peak search or in an advanced mode where the code will search for a predefined list of elements. The code deals with data calibration, different background and peak shape models, theoretical peak ratios, pile-up and escape peak corrections. The code is written in Python and uses Qt and Qwt. It is available in Unix and Windows (Qt non-commercial).

Abstract File: abstract00067.txt


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